7 Radio Street, 690041 Vladivostok, Russian Federanion. Tel: (7- 4232) 312833
NOWPAP-Links:   MERRAC - Links:    GIWA - Links:    DINRAC - Links:

UN organization

1. United Nations

2. United National Environment Programme (UNEP)

3. International Maritime Organization (IMO)
4. United National Environment Programme Regional Seas Programme
5. UNEP GPA (Global Programme of Action for the Protection of Marine Environment from Land-based Activities)
6. UNEP GIWA (Global International Water Assesment)
7. UNESCO IOC (Intergovernmental Oceanographic Comission)
NOWPAP (Northwest Pacific Action Plan)

1. NOWPAP MERRAC (The Marine Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response Regional Activity Centre)

2.NOWPAP RCU (Regional Coordinating Unit fo the NOWPAP)
3. NOWPAP DINRAC (Data and Information Network Regional Activity Centre
(established in People's Republic of China))
4. NOWPAP CEARAC (Special Monitoring and Coastal Environmental Assessment Regional Activity Centre (established in Japan))
Other Organizations
1. Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperating Center (NPEC)
2. Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP)
3. Regional Coordinating Unit for the Caribbian Environment Programme (CAR/RCU)
4. South-East Pacific Action Plan
5. South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)
6. The Commission for the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution
7. 7th Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP) Intergovernmental Meeting
8. Pacific Oceanological Institute FEB RAS
9. Tumen River Area Development Programme (by Institute of Marine Biology of the FEB RAS)
10. Information for Analisis and Cartography Center TiGis
11. OSPAR Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment
of the Nort-East Atlantic
12. Caspian Environment Programme (CEP)
13. Baltic Marine Environment Protection Comission
14. Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR)
15. Protection Arctic Marine Environment (PAME)
17. Oceanography and Marine Environment of the Far Eastern Region of Russia