The Intergovernmental Meeting.

Having adopted the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan - NOWPAP),

1. Decides that, for the period 1994-1996, programme activities should be undertaken according to the following order of priority and subject to the availability of resources:

NOWPAP/1 - Establishment of a comprehensive database and information management system {Objective 1, tasks (a) and (b), Objective 2, tasks (a), (b), (c)};

NOWPAP/2 - Survey of national environmental legislation, objectives, strategies and policies {Objective 3, task (a). Objective 5, task (a)};

NOWPAP/3 - Establishment of a collaborative, regional monitoring programme {Objective 1, task (d) and Objective 4, task (a)};

NOWPAP/4 - Development of effective measures for regional cooperation in marine pollution preparedness and response {Objective 4, task (e) and Objective 5, tasks (c) and (d)};
NOWPAP/5 - Commence the establishment of regional activity centres and their networks {Objective 1, tasks (a), (c) and (d); Objective 2, task (a). Objective 3, task (a)}.

2. Invites the Executive Director of UNEP,

(a) To prepare, with the co-operation of the competent international and regional organizations and the Governments of the region, a detailed programme document, describing the operational details of projects to be developed on the basis of priorities identified in 1 above.

(b) To convene, in 1995, a meeting of National Focal Points to review financial implications of project implementation and if necessary advise the secretariat on their revision.



The Intergovernmental Meeting,

Having adopted the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan - NOWPAP),

Noting the statement of the representative of the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) on willingness of UNEP to accept the designation as the organization responsible for the secretariat functions of NOWPAP,

1. Calls upon the Executive Director of UNEP. in consultation with the Governments of the Northwest Pacific region and in close co-operation with relevant United Nations bodies and Intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, to make such arrangements as required to achieve the objectives of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan;

2. Also calls upon the Executive Director of UNEP to convene, subsequent to the second Intergovernmental Meeting, every year an Intergovernmental Meeting of the States of the Northwest Pacific region in order to decide upon programme, institutional and financial matters related to NOWPAP. Specifically, the Intergovernmental Meetings should:

(a) Provide the overall policy direction for programme planning and execution;

(b) Assign priorities for project proposals within the scope of the NOWPAP Goals and Objectives, adopt and review continuously a workplan for the implementation of the Action Plan;

(c) Review the progress achieved in project implementation since the previous meeting;

(d) Approve the budgetary resources required for project implementation and determine their allocation as decided by the second Intergovernmental Meeting;

(e) Agree upon the means for financing activities of the Action Plan, including firm pledges for contributions to the Trust Fund;

(f) Assist in the coordination of regional activities related to the protection and management of the coastal and marine environment in the Northwest Pacific region.

3. Requests the Executive Director of UNEP to convene in 1996 the second Intergovernmental meeting in order to review the progress achieved in the implementation of the Action Plan and to further consider institutional and financial arrangements.

4. Decides also to consider at the second Intergovernmental meeting the establishment of a Regional Co-ordination Unit.


The Intergovernmental Meeting,

Having adopted the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan - NOWPAP),

Noting the cost estimates for the implementation of activities identified in Resolution 1 of this meeting and rough figures for yearly expenditures to implement the Action Plan;

Also noting the general readiness of the Executive Director of UNEP to contribute during the 1994-1995 biennium US$ 417,100 to cover the costs for activities related to the secretariat functions of NOWPAP and implementation of the Action Plan; through a NOWPAP Trust Fund, (Part 4.3 of the Action Plan);

1. Decides that the NOWPAP Trust Fund will be established and that details of the financial contributions will be decided no later than the next Intergovernmental Meeting.

2. Requests the Executive Director of UNEP to assume responsibility for administering the NOWPAP Trust Fund according to the applicable rules of the United Nations and other administrative policies or procedures promulgated by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). It is understood that these rules provide that UNEP shall make a deduction equal to 13 percent of all expenditures financed from the Trust Fund to defray administrative support costs. The Trust Fund should become operational as soon as the received contributions reach US$ 50,000.

3. Urges the States to pay their contributions to the Trust Fund in equal yearly installments.

4. Approves the following budget of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan in the 1994-1996 triennium:


From the Environment Fund
From the States of the region
* *
* *
* *

* subject to approval by the UNEP Governing Council

* * subject to further consultation with the States or receipt of advance voluntary contributions.

5. Calls upon the Executive Director of UNEP to search for additional financial resources which may be available for the implementation of NOWPAP, in particular to approach the GEF secretariat on behalf of the participating States to seek funds for implementation of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan.

6. Undertakes to explore potential international sources of additional financial support for the implementation of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan.