FPM 18/9: Proposal for the activity “Invertebrates as potential indicators of contamination by microplastic and nanoplastic in the marine and coastal areas within NOWPAP region”
FPM 18/10: Proposal on the development of marine spatial planning (MSP) in the NOWPAP Member States as mechanism to reduce pressure on the coastal and marine environment
FPM 18/11: Workplan and Budget of NOWPAP POMRAC activities for the 2022-2023 biennium
FPM 18/Inf 3: Work plan and budget for RAP MALI project “Using of artificial intelligence in the detection, identification and counting of marine debris elements in the monitoring of pollution in the NOWPAP region”
FPM 18/Inf.4: Regional synthesis “Development of NOWPAP EcoQO targets aligned (where possible) with SDG indicators, Phase 1”