Provisional Agenda
Annotated Provisional Agenda
Report of the NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) on the progress in the implementation of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan
Report on the implementation and expenditure of POMRAC activities for the in 2016-2017 biennium
Workplan and budget for the Development of regional NOWPAP EcoQO targets aligned with SDG indicators. Phase 1
Workplan and budget for the Assessment of trends in river and direct Inputs of contaminants to the marine and coastal environment in the NOWPAP region during the last decade
Workplan and budget for the activity ‘Microplastics abundance in river runoff and coastal waters of the NOWPAP region with a case study in the Russian part of NOWPAP area’
Workplan and Budget for POMRAC in 2018-2019 biennium
Inf.4: “Microplastic Pollution in the coastal water of the Peter the Great Gulf: content and distribution. The first stage of survey”
Inf.5: Draft NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy (MTS) 2018-2023
Inf.6: Development of a roadmap for regional Action Plan for Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Conservation in the NOWPAP region
Inf. 7: Follow-up and review of SDG 14.1 using NOWPAP mechanism